BoardHanger bayonet


snowboard hanger suitable for the interior

Function and description of the device

Je vyhotovený podobne ako SHb a montuje sa do výšky 110 cm od podlahy. Na konci bajonetov sú poistné vahadielka na zaistenie snowboardu. K vešiaku je vhodné použiť doporučené príslušenstvo.


Main benefits

  • variable bayonet adjustment
  • optimal usage of the space
  • economical storage of skis, snowboards and bicycles
  • easy and fast installation
  • high-quality processing = long shelf life


Type Dimensions (W x H x D) Capacity (skis/ski poles/snowboards)
BHb8 96 x 10 x 37 cm 8 pairs/80 pairs/8 pcs
BHb12 144 x 10 x 37 cm 12 pairs/115 pairs/12 pcs


Hanger accessiories

WP12 / WP18 – wall protector
It is made of galvanized sheet, finished with powder paint and equipped with a protective rubber profile. It is used as a protective element of the wall.

WPb12 / WPb18 – protective wall lining
It is made of stainless-steel sheet and is used as a protective element of the wall. It prevents damaging and smudging of the wall.

DT12 / DT18 – drip tray
It is made of thick-walled plastic and is used for the collection of water from the ski equipment. It is used in rooms without central water drainage. It is suitable for all types of hangers.

Type Dimensions (W x H x D)
WP12 96 x 4 x 3 cm
WP18 144 x 4 x 3 cm
WPb12 96 x 30 cm
WPb18 144 x 30 cm
DT12 96 x 4 x 35 cm
DT18 144 x 4 x 35 cm


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